The law on attendance and absence is now quite specific both for the school and parents/carers. We are unable to authorise any term time absence, other than in exceptional circumstances.
Parents/carers must inform the school before 9 am whenever their child is absent. You may telephone 01264 790375 and press 1 to leave a message on the absence line. Alternatively, you can email or send a message to Miss Hindson on ClassDojo or by using the absence notification on Parentmail. Please do not message the class teacher directly regarding absences.
If your child has sickness and/or diarrhoea, they must be kept home for 48 hours following the last episode.
If it is essential for your child to be absent during the school day you must inform the school in advance and personally collect him/her. You will also need to provide proof of any medical appointments. Under no circumstances will children be allowed out of school unless accompanied by an adult.
The Tidworth & Ludgershall Cluster schools, following advice from Wiltshire Council, have agreed that Headteachers may only consider holiday requests during term time in exceptional circumstances e.g. for service personnel and other employees who are prevented from taking leave of absence outside term time at any point in an academic year, for service personnel granted pre-tour operational leave or R & R during operational tour (but not post tour leave) or due to terminal illness or bereavement of a parent or sibling. There may be other circumstances, e.g. a family wedding, family bereavement, prison visit, when a holiday may be requested. Each request will be considered, taking into account the pupil’s overall attendance, the number of requests and the reason for the request. If the number of unauthorised absences is more than five school days within the previous six months in an academic year, school are expected to notify the Educational Welfare Service and a Penalty notice will be issued. You will have received a leaflet from Wiltshire Council giving information for Parents and Carers about Penalty Notices which is also available on the school website or from the school office.