
Ludgershall Castle Primary School

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Ludgershall Castle Primary School

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Our vision for the teaching of History aims to provide all children with a diverse, enjoyable, engaging and inspiring History education which includes a range of experiences. Through doing so, we hope our children will be enabled to form a life-long love of History.


We feel it is our responsibility to offer each child the opportunity to actively explore a range of significant historical periods and consider how these have shaped our world today. We aim to achieve this by teaching History through exploration and discussion, in groups and individually, in order to establish strong foundations in which a love of History may continue to flourish in later life.


We aim to develop our children’s knowledge of chronology alongside enabling them to make connections between different historical timeframes. We also aim to amaze and inspire the minds of our children to be considerate thinkers equipped with the skills to carefully examine and assess the ever-changing world around them. We encourage our children to craft carefully considered Historical conclusions based on a range of evidence, experiences and discussions, inspiring and enabling them to grow as individuals. We also aim to give our children a range of historical perspectives and experiences, based upon first hand experiences, artefacts and photographs which allow the children to appreciate how much life has changed. This is coupled with an appreciation of how these significant historical events and discoveries impacted, and still impact, how we live today alongside acknowledging how new discoveries are constantly changing the way we view the past.


We aim to raise awareness of traditions and practises in a variety of cultures and societies by celebrating the history surrounding them. We offer opportunities to express personal curiosity, creativity and perspective through considerate questioning and by doing so, hope to increase every child's enthusiasm and passion for History. 


To find out more about how History is taught at Ludgershall Castle Primary School please explore the policies, progression map and target documents below. If you require any more information or have any questions, then please contact the school office. 
