
Ludgershall Castle Primary School

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Ludgershall Castle Primary School

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SEND Information Report 


At Ludgershall Castle we embrace the fact that every child is different and, therefore, the educational needs of every child are different – this is certainly the case for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). 

In terms of what we offer children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, this is different for every child and it is important to emphasise that, as much as possible, this provision is designed by the relevant Ludgershall Castle staff members working alongside the child, the child’s family and, where necessary, outside agencies (e.g. a Speech and Language Therapist or an Educational Psychologist). 

Our qualified Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is currently Liz Warren (  We currently have 16% of children identified as having SEND with 11 children having an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). * 


A child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities will be listed on the schools SEND Register. If their needs can be met through small group support or a targeted plan from an outside agency (such as Speech and Language Therapy) then their progress will be tracked by the class teacher on our Provision Map and parents will be updated during parents’ evenings. This forms part of the graduated approach to our teaching, where every child receives what is known as ‘Quality First Teaching’.  On our Provision Maps we also track the support and progress of children who are receiving extra support but who are not currently on our SEND register. 

However, should the child need further support they will have a My Support Plan put in place.  This sets out outcomes that are currently being worked on and what additional provision is put in place for that child. The content of the My Support Plan is written by the class teacher and, as appropriate, with the child and the child’s family. This is why it is so important that parents/carers attend our Parents’ Evenings. 

For many children, outcomes will be connected to learning and will often be specifically to do with English and Maths skills. For other children, they may be to do with social interaction, communicating with children and adults, emotional difficulties, overcoming physical issues (for example problems to do with fine motor control) … the list is endless! The most important point is this: outcomes depend on the needs of the child. 

How will the curriculum be matched to my child/young person’s needs? 

Our school curriculum has been carefully planned by our teachers, using the official National Curriculum document (Please see our separate Curriculum policy). We feel that this is an ideal way that we can engage all learners by tapping into their interests and imaginations through a range of topics over the year. 

The school offers many different forms of additional provision. This can include: additional in-class support; additional out-of-class support; one-to-one support; flexible groupings (including small group work); access to specific resources; mentoring; counselling; and access to a wide range of outside agencies*. Additional provision is overseen by the school's qualified SENCo and is designed and implemented by an excellent team of teachers, ably supported by a fantastic group of teaching assistants. As with individual targets, the most important point is this: additional provision depends on the needs of the child. 

In addition, all of our pupils benefit from a range of teaching and learning styles; a differentiated curriculum; a range of differentiated learning materials (both for reinforcement and extension); assessment procedures that emphasise pupils’ strengths and achievements; access to ICT; and a range of extra-curricular activities (including residential trips in Key Stage 2). 



Training and resources 

Our school’s resources are allocated according to need and matched to each child’s SEND. 

Any specialist services that need to be brought in to observe or assist your child will of course be done in relation to the needs of your child. We currently have very strong links to the following: 


Speech and Language Therapy – Pia Smith, SALT Salisbury 

Behaviour Support Services – Lizzie Fletcher 

Educational Psychologist – Libby Moore 

Wiltshire Special Educational Needs Support 

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services  

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant – Emma Keel (on site) 

Parent Support Advisor – Emma Keel (on site) 

School Nursing Team – Vicky Ellis 


We have a newly established Forest School area which provides provision for all of the children in the school as well as extra support when needed. 


If you have any concerns about your child’s learning, then you can speak directly to their class teacher at a mutually convenient time. If you would like to also speak to the SENCo then this can be arranged. 

• If it is something that has happened in class, at break/lunchtime or before or after school please contact your child’s class teacher or SENCo. 

• If the matter can be sorted out satisfactorily, fine. If not refer to the Headteacher. 

• If it is something to do with school policy, staff conduct or another serious matter please contact the Headteacher. 

• If the matter can be sorted out to your satisfaction, fine. If not access to The Governing Body will be explained by the Headteacher. 

The Headteacher is the complaints co-ordinator and will follow guidance in the DfES ‘School Complaints Procedure’ document. 

We will ensure a full and fair investigation by an independent person where necessary. We will respect people’s desire for confidentiality. 

There is no formal procedure for praise. If you feel that something has been done especially well, please feel free to let us know; it is helpful to know which aspects of our school are especially valued by parents. 

Communication, Assessments and Reviews 

At the end of each term every teacher will review what is being provided for their children with SEND. The class teachers will have a review meeting to update their class Provision Map.  


How will the school keep me informed about my child’s progress? 

During your child’s first Parents’ Evening Meeting in Term 2 their Support Plan will be discussed with you. Throughout the school year you are, of course, welcome to make an appointment to come in at any time to discuss your child’s progress. However, there will also be Support Plan review meetings during Term 4 Parents’ Meetings and Term 6 Parents’ Meetings. 

How will the school keep me informed about issues / problems with my child at school? 

If there is an issue that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible you will be contacted by either the class teacher or the SENCo and advised accordingly. 

How will I know what the school’s expectations are for my child’s progress? 

We expect all children at our school to make the same levels of progress and see no reason why this would be any different for children with SEND. Your child’s class teacher will be able to explain their expectations for your child with you at your first My Support Plan review meeting during Parents’ Evening. 

How will my child’s voice be heard? 

If your child has a My Support Plan then each year they will meet with either their new class teacher or teaching assistant to update this and also their ‘One Page Profile’. 

Before each My Support Plan review meeting your child will have a chance to have a say on how their learning is progressing and anything that they would like to change. 



What are the transition arrangements? 

We have a very good liaison with both pre-school and the local secondary schools. To ensure a smooth transition we have face to face meetings to exchange paperwork and information about each child. Extra visits can also be arranged for any children we feel this may benefit, this is called an ‘enhanced transition’. 

Towards the end of each school year, all children are given the opportunity to meet and talk with the new adults who will be supporting and teaching them in the new academic year. 


* Figures correct as of September 2024. 


Contact our SENCo - Liz Warren
